Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Details

Environmental Management, Experimental Designs, Refinery Processes

ID: 722863 California, USA

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Expert C. Expert discovered and patented methods and catalysts for reducing SOx emissions from fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) operations. He designed and constructed testing equipment for fast turnaround and low cost screening of SOx catalysts. He has investigated refinery NOx emissions. He has also managed a catalyst screening project for supporting a commercial FCC operation.

Expert directed, organized, planned, coordinated, and implemented a $600,000 source testing and emission inventory project. The testing was conducted for six marine vessels equipped with diesel engines and gas turbines while in underway operations. The test protocol followed EPA and International Maritime Organization (IMO) guidelines. Pollutants quantified included NOx, CO, SOx, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter (PM). He employed, for the first time in a marine environment, an innovative method for PM determination. The results were used to derive emission factors reflecting real-life engine operating conditions. These emission factors were used to determine the emission inventory for several Coast Guard vessel classes. He finished the project two months ahead of schedule and 15% under budget. The Coast Guard rated the project execution excellent.

Expert evaluated existing environmental laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines pertaining to environmental pollution control for the Jubail Industrial City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He compared those laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines to U. S. EPA regulations. Compliance areas in the study included air quality, hazardous waste, water, land disposal, and solid waste management.

Expert assisted a facility to obtain a permit for two internal combustion engines. The engines generated 2700 kW electricity from the digester gas originating from biodegradation of municipal wastewater. He evaluated NOx, CO, and hydrocarbon emissions of candidate engines (Caterpillar and Waukesha) as to conforming to federal and San Diego Air Pollution Control District standards. He negotiated with agency and engine manufacturers for acceptable BACT criteria. He identified and recommended the installation of a low-NOx internal combustion engine thus allowing for the elimination of the SCR system presently operating at the site. The low-NOx internal combustion engines were estimated to save the facility $45,000/year compared to the existing engine/SCR system.

Expert evaluated existing and emerging technologies for the Comprehensive Treatment and Management Plan (CTMP) of the Rocky Flats Plant, located in Denver, Colorado for the remediation of hazardous and mixed wastes. Remedial technologies surveyed and identified included fluid bed treatment, catalytic oxidation, solidification, supercritical carbon dioxide extraction, supercritical water oxidation, microwave destruction, joule heating, plasma treatment, and chemical treatments. Prepared logic flow-chart for the effective treatment of waste streams. He established a budget for the identified technologies, and coordinated a project with vendors, partner-engineering firms, and cost estimators.

Expert planned, organized, and managed a waste characterization study associated with road construction activities, near El Centro, California. The results assisted Caltrans to develop more cost effective and environmentally friendly practices to manage wastewater during road construction projects.

Expert conducted a comprehensive RCRA audit for a refinery regarding solid and hazardous waste streams. The audit resulted in vastly improved waste management handling practices at the refinery, eliminated the need to pay pending penalties, and met full agency approval.

Expert helped a cruise line company to save $100 million in air pollution reduction costs.He helped a refinery to save $4 million in hazardous waste management compliance costs. Expert performed a Risk Management Program for metals manufacturers to help them successfully achieve regulatory compliance.He assisted a municipality to obtain an air quality permit for alternative energy generation. Expert evaluated alternatives and recommended a solution for hazardous and nuclear waste remediation.


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 1974 Degree: Ph.D. Subject: Chemistry Institution: MIT
Year: 1964 Degree: M.S. Subject: Chemical Engineering Institution: Budapest Technical University

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1997 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: President Department:
Expert is in charge of environmental and energy consultation, proposals, project planning, budgeting, execution, marketing, teaching, and seminars.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1992 to 1997 Employer: Fluor Co. Title: Senior Technical Advisor Department: Engineering
Available upon request.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1982 to 1992 Employer: Unocal Title: Department: Science and Engineering Division
Available upon request.

Additional Experience

Training / Seminars
Expert has developed courses and seminars for: waste management, air quality compliance, risk management, and refinery processes.
Marketing Experience
He is experienced with a technology exchange for developing pharmaceutical products.
Other Relevant Experience
He is expert in statistical experimental designs.

Language Skills

Language Proficiency
Hungarian Expert is fluent in Hungarian.
German He is also fluent in German, being able to speak, read, and write it.

Fields of Expertise

air pollution control, 1990 Clean Air Act Amendment, air-pollution control regulation, best available control technology, environmental remediation, hazardous waste, hazardous-waste management, waste remediation, hazardous waste storage, environmental economic analysis, environmental statistics, Solid Waste Management Unit, RCRA Facility Assessment, RCRA Facility Investigation, gasoline additive, environmental compliance, Hazard Communication Standard, environmental air quality, environmental safety, high-temperature air pollution control, toxic air pollution control, environmental air sample, air sample, environmental sample, environmental sampling, environmental science, chemical regulation, nitrogen oxide treatment, corrective action, emission control device, hazardous waste remediation, environmental organic chemistry, environmental regulation, environmental technology, environmental management, environmental site auditing, inorganic solid waste, gas scrubber, environmentally hazardous-chemical analysis, industrial solid waste, mixed hazardous waste, solid-waste management, hazardous-waste disposal, hazardous-waste cleanup, hazardous-waste characterization, hazardous-waste carbon adsorption, air-quality assessment, nonhazardous solid waste management, air-pollutant control equipment, hazardous waste treatment, site remediation, hazardous waste precipitation process, particulate pollution process, acid deposition, hazardous-waste source reduction, hazardous waste material substitution, Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation, Environmental Protection Agency, hazardous waste treatment facility, hazardous chemical, toxic waste, catalytic destruction, environment, nonhazardous solid waste, hazardous waste sediment treatment, chemical stabilization, environmental cleanup, soil remediation, Resource, Conservation, and Recovery Act regulation, hazardous material, hazardous waste management regulation, hazardous waste treatment inorganic chemical, hazardous waste stabilization, hazardous waste solidification, solid waste, hazardous waste oxidation, hazardous waste neutralization, hazardous waste management incineration, hazardous waste materials reuse, environmental engineering, emission monitoring, CERCLA regulation, air pollutant

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