Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

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Expert Details

Herbicide Injury and Drift, Soil Contamination from Herbicides and Weed Control Recommendations

ID: 730932 Missouri, USA

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Expert has over 40 years of experience involving the use of herbicides and their behavior in plants and the environment. He has been responsible for conducting over 1,500 field experiments evaluating the efficacy of herbicides in corn, cotton, sorghum,peanuts, wheat, turf grass, pastures, range land, forages, aquatics and rights of way. He has also given over 1,300 educational presentations to a wide variety of clientele engaged in crop production, turf management, master gardening, and environmental regulation. He has mentored numerous graduate students in the area of Weed Science and directed their research. Prior to joining his current employer, he conducted field research for two different herbicide manufacturers in West Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. Prior to entering graduate school for his advanced degrees in Agronomy (Weed Science), he was a sales representative for a chemical company in Kansas and Missouri. He has been active in professional societies and has received numerous awards for his research and teaching prowess.

On numerous occasions every year, he supplies information to attorneys, insurance representatives, and private citizens regarding herbicide symptomology, herbicide performance, and drift injury. Expert conducts confidential research trials investigating experimental herbicides for a number of chemical companies. Expert has been deposed on numerous occasions and have testified in court proceedings on one occasion; Served as a consultant for Alpura Milk Co. in Mexico and provided weed management expertise for alfalfa production; Represented the Borlaug Foundation and provided expertise to farmers and government officials in Guatemala regarding the commercial production of jatropha.

On numerous occasions every year, Expert supplied information to attorneys, insurance representatives, and private citizens regarding herbicide symptomology, herbicide performance, and drift injury.


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 1981 Degree: PhD Subject: Agronomy (emphasis in Weed Science) Institution: Texas Tech University
Year: 1979 Degree: MS Subject: Agronomy (emphasis in Weed Science) Institution: Texas A&M University
Year: 1975 Degree: BS Subject: Plant and Soil Science Institution: Missouri State University

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1989 to 2016 Employer: Texas Tech University Title: Professor Emeritus Department: Dept. of Soil and Crop Sciences
He served as the state leader for Extension weed science activities. His duties included making weed control recommendations for most field crops grown in the south (cotton, corn, wheat, peanuts, sorghum, soybeans) and also turf grass, pasturelands and hay fields. Numerous weed control research trials were conducted yearly by him in cotton, corn, sorghum, wheat, oats, turf grass, highway rights-of-way, and pasturelands. He also presented 40-60 educational presentations annually to crop producers, pest control operators, golf course employees, total vegetation control operators, homeowners, and Master Gardeners. He conducted several research trials to address herbicide remediation in surface and ground water as well as public education programs. He is an internationally recognized source of weed management information for governmental agencies, industry, and individuals who request information on herbicide use, performance, and trends. Prior to joining Texas A&M, he spent several years in industry sales and research positions which provided a broad experience base in weed management. He led an active research program centered around evaluating herbicide performance and studying edaphic and physiological factors that influence behavior of herbicides in the south.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1987 to 1989 Employer: American Cyanamid Co. Title: Technical Service Representative Department: Crop Protection
His primary responsibilities included technical support of marketing representatives and conducting field research with herbicides and insecticides within all field and fruit crops grown in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana. Field experiments were established for research, demonstration, and training purposes. Served on two herbicide task forces.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1981 to 1987 Employer: Lilly Research Laboratories (Eli Lilly & Co.) Title: Senior Scientist and Plant Science Representative Department:
He was responsible for rangeland, field crop, turf, and ornamental research throughout West Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Established and evaluated experiments with herbicides, plant growth regulators, fungicides, and chemical hybridizing agents in cotton, corn, soybeans, alfalfa, sorghum, sunflower, wheat, turfgrass, ornamental plants, tree and vine crops, and utility rights-of-way. In addition, he completed evaluations of herbicides on over 70 rangeland brush control experiments throughout Texas and New Mexico. Other job responsibilities included establishing and monitoring research grants-in-aid to several universities, presentation of technical information about Elanco products to both farmers and academic audiences, conducting seminars for university groups, and serving as an expert witness in several litigation proceedings.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1979 to 1981 Employer: Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Title: Research Technician-Weed Management Department:
He assisted in the conduct of weed control investigations in corn, soybeans, cotton, grain sorghum, and wheat at the Halfway and Lubbock, Texas, experiment stations while pursuing the Ph.D. degree at Texas Tech University.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1979 to 1979 Employer: Texas Tech University Title: Graduate Teaching Assistant Department:
He initiated, developed, and taught two weed control laboratory classes to supplement the undergraduate weed control course. Major emphasis was placed on training students in weed identification, herbicide application, and the utilization of basic weed science principles in an applied manner.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1979 to 1979 Employer: Texas A & M University Title: Instructor Department: Dept. of Soil and Crop Sciences
He taught all of the undergraduate weed control labs while completing the M.S. degree. Course content was designed around the applied aspects of weed science such as weed identification, herbicide application, and simple laboratory techniques.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1977 to 1978 Employer: Texas A&M University Title: Research Technician Department:
He held this position was held while pursuing the M.S. degree and conducting thesis research at Texas A&M.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1975 to 1977 Employer: Elanco Products Co (div.of Eli Lilly & Co.) Title: Agrichemical Sales Representative Department: Agrichemical Sales
He was responsible for sales and marketing of Elanco agricultural chemicals in sales territories within Kansas and Missouri. Extensive interaction with farmers and other agribusiness associates.

Government Experience

Years Agency Role Description
Years: 1983 to 1986 Agency: National Park Service Role: Project Leader Description: Conducted a biological assessment of weeds for Lyndon B. Johnson National Park

International Experience

Years Country / Region Summary
Years: 2006 to 2006 Country / Region: Mexico Summary: Served as a consultant for Alpura Milk Co. in Mexico and provided expertise regarding weed management in alfalfa.
Years: 2010 to 2008 Country / Region: Guatemala Summary: Represented the Borlaug Foundation and provided expertise to farmers and government officials in Guatemala regarding the commercial production of jatropha.

Career Accomplishments

Associations / Societies
International Weed Science Society
Weed Science Society of America
-Chairman, Weeds Causing Losses Committee
-Member, Monetary Weed Losses Committee
-Member, Weed Loss Bibliography Committee
-Member, Extension Committee
-Reviewer, Weed Technology Journal
-Chairman, Local Arrangements Committee
Southern Weed Society
-Chairman, Resolutions and Necrology Committee
-Chairman, Local Arrangements Committee
-Member, Program Committee
-Presented first-place student research paper
-Coach, Texas A&M University Team, Southern Weed Contest
American Society of Agronomy
-Certified Crop Advisor Exam and Procedures Committee
Texas Chapter - American Society of Agronomy
-Board of Directors
Awards / Recognition
Award of Excellence - American Cyanamid, 19XX
Texas Tech University Association of Former Students - New Faculty Award, 19XX
Dept. of Soil and Crop Sciences-Texas A&M University- Special Achievement Award for Extension 19XX
Texas Cooperative Extension Superior Service Team Award 20XX
Texas Plant Protection Association Academic/Agency Award 20XX
US-EPA National Success Stories, 2006. M.C. Dozier and P.A. Expert. Atrazine Best Management Practices on Lake Aquilla, Texas.
Norman Borlaug Lifetime Achievement Award-Texas Plant Protection Association, 20XX
Educator Achievement Award-Texas Ag Industries Association, 20XX
Texas A&M Vice Chancellors Award of Excellence-20XX
Publications and Patents Summary
Has published ten journal articles and over 100 research abstracts and Extension publications.

Additional Experience

Expert Witness Experience
Alleged turf herbicide drift onto wine grape vineyard, Long Island, New York. Mazzara and Small Law Firm, (Current)
Alleged herbicide drift on field lettuce, Santa Clarita, CA.
Sunflower herbicide drift onto bermudagrass hay field, Texas.
Herbicide drift onto grain sorghum, Texas. Deposed as expert witness on behalf of Texas A&M General Counsel’s office
Herbicide drift onto sweet corn in Florida.
Served as an expert witness in court and in several depositions while employed by Lilly Research Laboratories.
Consultant for insurance companies on several occasions where herbicide drift issues were as state with their clients.
Training / Seminars
Expert has conducted numerous training seminars over my career for county agricultural agents, industry sales representatives, master gardeners and fellow professionals. Primarily, these involved herbicide symptomology, weed management, and herbicide fate in plants and soils.
Marketing Experience
Expert has a great deal of insight and expertise in the use patterns and trends for herbicide use and discovery both from a university and industry perspective. He also have an appreciation for marketing programs and objectives through experience with Elanco sales force.
Other Relevant Experience
In addition to Expert's weed science related activities, he also has expertise in the growing of jatropha and Chinese tallow for use as biofuels.

Fields of Expertise

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