Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Details

Incident Investigation, Risk Management, Safety Management

ID: 735730 California, USA

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Work-site evaluations, compliance audits, hazard assessments, facility-design reviews, Safety Program evaluations and training programs. Risk Management Consulting · Business Consulting · HR Consulting · Environmental Consulting.

The “No Blame Safety Strategy” liberates Organizations as it fosters employee loyalty and critical thinking in high hazard industry. Reinforce safety policies to establish a no blame safety culture. Using a Near Miss Reporting System to evaluate workplace practices, procedures and work behavior habits evaluating the effectiveness of an organizations safety management program. Identify the most frequent first aid, close call or near miss events. Training presentations are site specific and course creation is in accordance with OSHA Regulatory Standards.

Walking you though the complete Cal-OSHA's Incident investigation process using a modified version of Californians Employers Report of Occupational Injury and Illness form 5020. A Near Miss event is the first sign before a more serious injury and illness. A Near Miss Reporting system is a tool used to identify the most frequent close call events using predetermined site specific questions.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 1 Million workers are sent to the emergency room each year because of serious hand injuries. That’s higher than the entire population of Fresno County!!!

In a recent U.S. Department of Labor study of all injures reported, fingers and hands account for more than 23%, making them the highest in preventable injuries and in terms of lost workdays, they ranked second only to neck injuries.

Medical cost and disability claims have escalated rapidly, and the cost of a single injury multiplies with each workday missed. The National Safety Council study reports that the cost of just one disabling hand of finger injury varies from $540 to $26,000 per patient. With a serious upward extremity trauma averaging $730,000 per incident.


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 1991 Degree: Subject: Business Administration Institution: UC Berkeley

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2012 to 2017 Employer: TOSS Business Solutions Title: SPI Consultants we drive Success Department: Research and Economic Development
Mission is to make organizations more successful by leveraging data, communications and visualizations. Our goal is to build a robust library of SPIs data which maintains growth through KRIs which forecast major and minor workplace injury and illness . Our no blame safety strategy fosters employee loyalty through tracking Key Risk Indicators.

For high hazard industries like Construction, Manufacturing, Maritime, Gas and Oil. Key Performance Indicators reinforce safety policies to establish a baseline hazard stressor units called key risk indicators.

We can't improve what you don't measure and evaluate. SPIs, KPI's and KRIs measure the success of an organizations safety management systems, by evaluating the effectiveness of an organizations safety management system using a SPI Smart dashboard. Each near miss reports is site specific with instructions in accordance with Federal and Cal-OSHA Regulatory Standards.

Organizations in high hazard industry's value internal documented near miss events because, it's offers a golden opportunity to gain experience from pass workplace first aid, close calls and near miss events. Preventing more serious workplace injury and illness can reduced TRIR by 6% annually.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 1 Million workers are sent to the emergency room each year because of serious hand injuries. Just over 1 Billion dollars per year for one of the most preventable injuries out there and to put it in perspective the entire population of Fresno County is being serious injured each year.

In a recent U.S. Department of Labor study of all injuries reported, fingers and hands account for more than 23%, making them the highest in preventable injuries and in terms of lost workdays, they ranked second only to neck injuries.

Medical cost and disability claims have escalated rapidly, and the cost of a single injury multiplies with each workday missed. The National Safety Council study reports that the cost of just one disabling hand of finger injury varies from $540 to $26,000 per patient. With a serious upward extremity trauma averaging $730,000 per incident.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2007 to 2011 Employer: Boilermakers Local 549 Title: Boilermaker Department: Construction
Rigging certifications, OSHA 10,30 and 50, RSO and TWIC safety course, wielding safety in addition to five years studying the application of OSHA general and specific standards, Labor Statistics, SB-863, Labor law and Tort Action, California government codes 19130 subsection (a), (b), and the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine.

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1991 to 2007 Employer: E.I. DuPont Title: Sr Process Operator Department: Fire Brigade
Fire brigade consists of eight professional fire fighters and considers safety of paramount importance. Both in the fields of process safety and work practices, managements systems in addition. DuPont certify its employees in accordance with ISO-9001 quality and ISO 140001 based on the hazardous substances present at a location with the directive that controlling major incidents applies in any work-site using the best available process. Duties performed in occupational fields such as industrial hygienist, safety engineer, fire prevention engineer, safety compliance officer, chemical cantonment techniques and decontamination process and researching power generation techniques.

Career Accomplishments

Associations / Societies
Professional Appointments
Risk Management Specialist
Publications and Patents Summary
No Blame Safety Strategies / Proactive Risk Management

Fields of Expertise

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