Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Details

Packaging Materials/Equipment, Packaging Manufacturing, CPG industries, R&D, Productivity, Co-packer

ID: 731944 Arizona, USA

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Expert is a packaging professional with 25 years of solid experience dealing with all aspects of packaging at CPG/FMCG companies. His experience includes expert knowledge in packaging materials from paper, paperboard to Flexible and rigid plastics, metal cans to glass packaging. He is well-versed in the manufacturing, production and converting processes of different packaging materials, packaging equipment/OEM, and the standard protocols used for conducting day to day business at CPG companies. These protocols include the R&D package design process, stage gate process, plant test protocols, performance testing, and packaging specifications. Expert is knowledgeable on complete project management from concept to commercialization, innovative package design, creative problem solving, and holistic approaches to driving productivity. Expert has solid experience with the design of merchandizing tools like POP/POS, transportation testing, and proven ways to reduce damage of shipped goods. In addition, Expert has knowledge of global suppliers, co-packers, and processes used to qualify co-packers and new suppliers. He has expert knowledge of different food and beverage processing methods such as Retort, Hot Fill, and Aseptic, and has experience with frozen, refrigerated, and shelf stable food and beverage products, as well as pet foods.

Expert has provided advice regarding the need and development for a new instrument that can measure barrier properties of flexible and rigid packaging. Expert has also provided advice to business leaders regarding the fate of North American can manufacturing for carbonated and non-carbonated beverages, and has provided advice to a team of marketing experts regarding flexible packaging, key players, challenges and threats to the flexible packaging industry.


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 1990 Degree: Ph.D Subject: Engineering with focus on Food Processing Institution: University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Year: 1986 Degree: MS Subject: Food Processing Institution: Asian Institute of Technology
Year: 1982 Degree: BS Subject: Agricultural Engineering Institution: University of Udaipur, India

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2014 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Owner Department: Packaging
- Actively seeks clients in the Food and Beverage sector that can benefit from his expertise with regards to their packaging development and innovation efforts, to help them reach their productivity goals using his expert knowledge.
- Actively leads packaging projects as assigned by the clients and complete the work on time and submit a completion report.
- Complete audit of client's manufacturing plants to identify opportunities as related to packaging materials/formats, and equipment, that can lead to increased efficiency and productivity
- Propose opportunities to the clients within their system (from procurement to manufacturing to shipping to warehousing) and work with them to create impactful projects
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2013 to 2014 Employer: McCain Foods Title: Director-Global Packaging Department: Global Innovation
- Responsible for establishing the Global Packaging Organization and delivering of key global packaging initiatives to meet AOC. Lead team of resources with regards to package design, selection of suppliers, selection of packaging equipment to insure project is completed as per the target.
- Solve problems pertaining to manufacturing as related to packaging, Conduct research with regards to new technological advancements, recommend the ones that relate to business, and lead specific development to benefit the business
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2012 to 2013 Employer: Spark Packaging Consultant Title: Owner Department: Packaging
- Actively seek clients in the Food and Beverage sector that can benefit from his expertise with regards to their packaging development and innovation efforts, to help them reach their productivity goals using his expert knowledge.
- Actively lead packaging projects as assigned by the clients and complete the work on time and submit a completion report.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2011 to 2012 Employer: AB-InBev Title: Director-Global Exploratory Packaging Department: Innovation and Technology Development
- Set up the global agenda regarding long term exploration of emerging new packaging technologies that helps achieve companies goals.
- Identify new companies/suppliers/inventors that are working on next generation packaging technologies and establish active contacts with them to understand the technical details of their development and how it will help AB-InBev. Prioritize key futuristic developments and lead further development and application to AB-InBev brands
- Develop a global process to conduct targeted scouting regarding new developments, technologies, and applications
- Develop a global process to manage incoming innovative ideas
- Lead development of packaging for a highly carbonated alcoholic beverage
- Lead development of packaging and system for a beer customization project, test it and complete technical writing to support patent application
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2003 to 2011 Employer: PepsiCo Title: Manager-Packaging Department: Packaging R&D
- Lead package development efforts for multiple projects simultaneously for Quaker branded products. Develop packages using mutliple packaging materials from Paper to paperboard to flexible films to rigid plastics, Glass jar and all fiber canisters.
- Identify new display system for club stores that allows to display all Quaker/PepsiCo products without requiring too much development time
- Develop a package for heat and eat oatmeal application
- Solve packaging related problems as related to manufacturing, Quality issues, and address damage concerns by utilizing package design and alternate materials
- Lead package and process development efforts for a Retorted product
- Manage relationships with suppliers with regards to future package development
- Identify new technologies that can help Quaker brands differentiate from other products
- Lead package innovation efforts based on consumer insights
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2000 to 2003 Employer: Heinz Title: Sr. Manager- Packaging Department: Packaging
- Lead package development efforts for all Pet Food products from multi-wall bags to paperboard cartons to flexible bags to shipping cases
- Identify alternate packaging technology and systems that help drive shelf differentiation and productivity while also benefiting environments
- Develop appropriate package for an innovative pet treat product and identify packaging equipment to support timely implementation
- Provide technical support to factories as related to project implementation, start up, de-bug problems, and recommend optimum solutions
- Develop self supported display pallets for club customers
- Lead and develop the merchandizing platform including supplier identification, and developing a set of POP/POS to support entire Heinz Treat portfolio
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1989 to 2000 Employer: Nestle Title: Manager Department: Packaging
- Lead package development for Pet food, Refrigerated/frozen, Canned, and Food Service products while working with all packaging materials, and formats.
- Find the optimum package solution to deliver a refrigerated sauce cup with EZ peel membrane
- Work with suppliers to qualify and approve them along with procurement
- Support pet food markets in Japan, Australia, US, and Europe by providing leading and appropriate packaging solutions.
- Lead introduction of Form-Fill-Seal packaging for certain pet food to improve product quality and drive incremental sales through improved quality
- Recommend the most appropriate packaging equipment for new projects
- Lead development of a bottle for club Salsa and drive savings
- Develop suitable packaging solutions for coffee, tea, cookie, frozen dessert, salsa, Cheese sauce, coffee mate

International Experience

Years Country / Region Summary
Years: 2011 to 2012 Country / Region: Belgium Summary: Traveled to European headquarters and worked with business and technical teams to successfully complete project requirements.
Years: 1985 to 1986 Country / Region: Thailand Summary: Lived and studied in Thailand to complete Masters degree.
Years: 1997 to 1997 Country / Region: Japan Summary: Traveled to Japan to help the business team (Marketing and sales) to launch high quality pet food product in premium packaging. Also conducted market tour to learn about how Japanese markets worked and what were key challenges facing a company market its product.

Additional Experience

Expert Witness Experience
Has advised legal teams within a CPG company regarding patenting of a technical package design.
Training / Seminars
Guest speaker at National Packaging conferences.
Vendor Selection
Part of a cross functional team in screening suppliers for paper-based packaging, auditing and qualifying the supplier. Also Identified new suppliers and inventors leading breakthrough package development and innovation.
Marketing Experience
Familiar with key industry trends including: companies shifting their metal packaging to flexible packaging, efforts impacting the environment, the use of mineralized resins with poly resins to reduce the amount of plastics used, and trends regarding the Polyethylene market and competitive threats to PE.
Other Relevant Experience
Developed and successfully implemented a new paper bag base packaging for a new product, resulting in first year sale of over $30MM. Successfully met packaging requirements for Japanese market and implemented the innovative packaging solution that contributed to incremental sale of $8MM. Found a creative way to solve a consumer problem and delivered a refrigerated pasta sauce with EZ open seal, which reduced consumer complaints by 6% and increased sale by 5%. Solved material related issues for Frozen food (Lean Cuisine Brand and pizza) and increased line efficiency by 5%. Developed a customized solution with Ortega branded products for Cinco de mayo in a very short time that helped sales team capture the incremental sale of $500K. Developed and led successful implementation of package for a frozen dessert. First year sale reached $3MM. Qualified and implemented a club salsa bottle from an alternate vendor and saved $300K. Developed and launched an improved dispensing system for cheese sauce for Taco Bell that reduce product loss by 7% and saved $150K in labor/year. Developed timely solution for Cheese sauce package using Scholle bags and eliminated quality issues. This helped in timely recall of the product and allowed to reproduce fresh and new product to deliver orders on time. Avoided lost sale of $5MM and also helped procurement recoup lost packaging cost of $350K from the supplier

Language Skills

Language Proficiency
Hindi (Indian) Proficient

Fields of Expertise

aluminum laminate, American Society for Testing and Materials packaging standard, aseptic filling, aseptic packaging process, bag, bag manufacturing, barrier polymer, beverage packaging process, biodegradable packing material, boil-in-bag package, can filler, can manufacturing, canned food product, canned fruit product, canned pet food, canned vegetable, carton, case packing, case sealing, case temperature, child-resistant packaging, co-packer control, cold seal packaging process, consumer product packaging, controlled environmental packaging, controlled-atmosphere packaging process, dispensing package, embossed film, flexible package, foil laminate, folding carton, food package, food packaging equipment, food packaging process, freight handling, gas flush packaging, heat-sealable polymer, hermetic packaging, lidding, modified atmosphere packaging, moisture-barrier packaging process, mono-material package, multi-layered packaging material, package closure, package consumer testing, package cost reduction, package handling, package impact test, package impact testing, package integrity, package testing, package testing standard, package-food product interaction, packaged product, packaging adhesive material, packaging automation, packaging design review, packaging document, packaging material, packaging material selection, packaging material system, packaging specification, packaging standard, packaging system, packaging technology, packaging technology review, packaging-material management, palletizing, plastic package, plastic packaging material, primary packaging, repackaging, roll packaging, secondary packaging, shipping testing, sterile packaging process, tamper-evident package, thermoformed package, transit testing, two-part package, unitizing, viscous material packaging, water-soluble bag, water-soluble packaging film, package, package design, package regulation, package testing requirement, packaging development, packaging engineering, packaging equipment, packaging evaluation, packaging film, packaging process, packaging testing, non-hermetic packaging, product evaluation, metal packaging process, can corrosion, over-the-counter drug packaging, powder packaging process, chemical package design, chemical package, foam-in-place, paper-product wrapping, packaging machinery design, chemical packaging process, biodegradable material, bale, wrapping paper, international packaging requirement, export packaging requirement, can (container)

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